
This paper presents the results of research in the blood of cattle bovine leukemia. Leukemia cattle - retroviral etiology of tumor disease which has major damage to livestock. Studying the problem of leukemia, scientists have come to a common conclusion - for active struggle must create immunogenic drug against leukemia. The data of experimental work carried out in conditions of epizootic experiments are new and will be able to assist the practical and scientific veterinary experts in carrying out measures to combat this dangerous disease of animals and humans. For this purpose, we developed a new technology for production of inactivated immunogenic preparations, including against bovine leukemia, which the cows tested showed positive results. Employees " State Centre of Innovation Biotechnologies " offered new innovative manufacturing techniques inactivated, immunogenic, harmless drug "Leykozav" which received positive results in the laboratory and epizootic experiments. The drug has not only specific protective properties, but also a positive impact on gender-positive animals (experiments were 50-70% recovery). Objective- to investigate the incubation period of the cow leukemia in terms of epizootic experiment using RID, ELISA and PCR. Influence of "Leykozav" the population of virus in the body and sick cows on hematological parameters of experimental animals. Materials and methods. The study was conducted in disadvantaged on leukemia cattle farm "Danivka" Kozelets district, Chernihiv region, with the number of dairy cattle in 460 cows. Before the experiment, blood and serum of animals examined by RID, ELISA, PCR and hematologic. To study the effect of post-vaccination immunity in a population of virus in the blood of sick cows was formed group (n = 6) who were administered the drug "Leykozav" subcutaneously at a dose of 4 cm 3 twice with an interval of 21 days. Cows in the control group were administered saline (0,9% NaCl) by a similar scheme.Blood samples for the study were collected before the experiment quarterly and nine months (period of observation). Results and discussion. The first symptoms of leukemia among healthy cows (control group), are among the troubled animal herd, appeared after 6 months of the experiment. This is confirmed by real-time PCR.Immunization RID-positive animal drug "Leykozav" impact on reducing the number of copies of DNA provirus leukemia. After the drug decreased the number of copies 7-420 times. The animals in the control group during the period of the experiment marked increase in the number of white blood cells by 34% relative to the norm, whereas other hematological parameters: red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets remain in the normal range. The use of a series of experimental drug "Leykozav" sick cows leukemia research farm led to minor hematological changes. WBC early experiment was 17,05 ± 3,76, after 9 months. experiment - 15,72 ± 3,37. There is a tendency to decrease. In this case, the concentration of white blood cells decreased by 15.7%. Indicators of red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelet counts in vaccinated animals did not significantly change during the research period and are in the normal range. Thus, the drug does not cause adverse changes in the blood of animals after immunization of prophylactic drug "Leykozav." Conclusions and prospects. 1. In healthy animals that are disadvantaged on leukemia studies, development of infection registered in the 6-9 month studies confirmed that ELISA and PCR. 2. Positive reaction by RID is on the ninth month of the disease, the animal stays in disadvantaged on leukemia herd. 3. Using the quantitative determination of leukemia provirus DNA using polymerase chain reaction not only can detect infected animals in the earliest stages of the disease, but also enables the future and assess the effectiveness of drugs that are recommended for the prevention and treatment of leukemia cattle. 4. Preventive immunization of patients with leukemia drug cow "Leykozav" reduces the number of copies of DNA provirus in blood in 7-420 times. 5. To maintain stability on the welfare of cows in the herd leukemia recommend scheplyuvaty all animals once a year, in the spring or autumn, the drug "Leykozav", following the rules of aseptic and antiseptic.

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