
The relevance of the article is due to the necessity of moral values formation among the university cadets of the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation, which in turn is determined by numerous normative acts. For-mation of moral values among cadets of departmental universities, according to the authors, is actualized to the fullest extent through the inclusion of additional educational activities in the work of the university. Conduct-ed research (the initial stage of the experiment) in the cadets of the Academy of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Voronezh Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia and Vladimir Law Institute of Federal Peni-tentiary Service of Russia revealed insufficiently high level of knowledge of terminology on moral issues, as well as insufficient formation of cadets’ ideas about moral values and moral norms that should be observed by the officer of the penitentiary system. The authors have developed and implemented in the work of the curator of the training group the educational-methodical manual “The Honor of the Regiment”, designed for the for-mation of spiritual and moral values among cadets. The article outlines the objectives of the manual, as well as a list of topics of seminars and practical classes (trainings) proposed in the manual. By analyzing the results of the experimental work, the authors prove the effectiveness of the developed educational-methodical manual.

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