
The depletion of the mineral raw material base makes it increasingly necessary to involve in the exploitation of technogenic deposits affected by wood accumulations of the fastening forest, complicating the technological processes of extracting a valuable component from mineral raw materials [1; 2; 4]. Innovative developments to improve the technology of heap leaching of uranium are aimed, first of all, at improving the quality of products obtained during the ore sorting of off-balance ores using combined methods of radiometric separation and bulk screening. The development of technology for the separation of wood accumulations from off-balance ores determines the further efficiency of the processes of heap extraction of uranium. This direction is increasingly being used in practice in the processing of waste products of uranium and gold-bearing ores. The object of the research is a technological line for processing uranium off-balance ores. The subject of the research is the complex use of methods of radiometric separation and bulk screening for ore sorting and increasing the efficiency of uranium leaching by removing wood accumulations from technogenic raw materials. The purpose of the research is to identify the nature and patterns of distribution of mine props and wood chips depending on the volume of processing of technogenic raw materials of off-balance uranium ores at PJSC «PPMCA»). Research objectives are the following: to establish the patterns of extraction of mine props and wood chips from the volume of processing of off-balance ores during pilot tests of the technological line used at PJSC «PPMCA»; to identify the effectiveness of technical solutions for the processing of technogenic raw materials previously affected by wood accumulations in the form of mine racks and wood chips. Methodology and research methods are presented by: pilot-industrial assessment of the effectiveness of complex methods of radiometric separation and screening of technogenic raw materials in order to remove wood accumulations; regularity of removal of mine props and wood chips during ore sorting of off-balance uranium ores in the production line

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