
The publication used previously unknown archival documents from the collections of the State Archive of the Latest History of Kostroma Region related to the history of the exclusion of Yuri Burtin from candidates for membership of the CPSU for an unauthorized government attempt to nominate A.T. Tvardovsky as a candidate for deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in the March 16, 1958 elections. After graduating from Leningrad State University, within the state program of job distribution in August 1954 Burtin was sent in the town of Bui, Kostroma Region, where he taught the Russian language and literature at the Working Youth School for eight years. And in 1958 he made a selfless attempt to nominate A.T. Tvardovsky to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The purpose of this article is to verify existing information and introduce into the scientific circulation new archival materials that complement and expand our understanding of the place and role of the “sixties” (on the example of Burtin) in the context of political history of Soviet society. The main research methods are the systemic method, the historical approach, elements of the comparative analysis methodology and sociocultural approach to the study of the life and work of one of the prominent representatives of the Russian intelligentsia of the second half of the 20th century. The materials of the article confirm the presence in Soviet society among the intelligentsia of indirect (latent) resistance to the system of power, the methodology of nominating candidates and holding elections to the highest echelons of power. This confirms the need for deep reform of the electoral system, as well as the entire political structure of the country, which has already objectively matured in post-Stalin society.


  • After graduating from Leningrad State University, within the state program of job distribution in August 1954 Burtin was sent in the town of Bui, Kostroma Region, where he taught the Russian language and literature at the Working Youth School for eight years

  • The materials of the article confirm the presence in Soviet society among the intelligentsia of indirect resistance to the system of power, the methodology of nominating candidates and holding elections to the highest echelons of power

  • Однако ничего подобного – как это было показано выше – не содержится ни в двух различных формулировках первичной парторганизации об его исключении из кандидатов в члены КПСС, ни во втором постановлении бюро Буйского ГК КПСС

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Твардовский, депутат, Верховный Совет СССР, выборы, кандидат в члены КПСС, партийное собрание, бюро горкома партии, Школа рабочей молодежи, город Буй Костромской области Автор так излагает свою версию исключения из кандидатов в члены КПСС буйского учителя: «Когда в 1958 году в стране началась подготовка к выборам в Верховный Совет СССР, Буртин решил выдвинуть своего любимого поэта в депутаты от Костромской области.

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