
Nowadays the national healthcare system is looking for ways to overcome the crisis and build a new model that is closer to European standards. Such a process necessarily requires a change in the paradigm of basic secondary and higher medical education. That is why, in the context of the rapid development of innovative technologies and evidence-based medicine, the introduction of new methods of treatment and diagnosis of diseases, the latest information and modern medical technologies into the practice of health care institutions, the issues of reforming the medical education system are at present pressing. The need to reform higher medical education in Ukraine requires the study of foreign experience of professional training of future doctors in leading educational institutions of the world. Of great interest to the issue under study is the UK experience, where future doctors are trained in accordance with European standards and aimed at shaping the professional elite of society.Within the framework of the reform of higher medical education as an integral part of the development of national education and the health care system of Ukraine, all its components have been modernized. Sectoral standards of higher medical education have been introduced, the content of education has been modernized at all stages and according to the qualification requirements of medical specialties, which are recognized not only in Ukraine but also in the countries of the European Union.

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