
The application of fuzzy logic is considered in optimizing the sequence of operations that involve the use of self-propelled units in industrial railway transportation. The consequences of using constant values calculated analytically as operation priorities have been analyzed. The type of queue discipline and the specifics of constraints on the stay of requests in the queue, characteristic of railway industrial transport and technological systems, are described. The advantages and disadvantages of existing methods for queuing freight operations specified in the daily work plan in railway industrial transport and technological systems are investigated. Limitations arising from the use of classical scheduling theory methods have been identified. Finding the optimal sequence of operations in railway industrial transport and technological systems involves simultaneous movement planning for multiple mobile units, which is not considered in classical graph theory. The classical problem of finding the shortest path and its known solving algorithms only work with static graphs, while railway industrial transport and technological systems are characterized by rapid changes in the graph's state. The problems caused by the dynamic nature of the graph's state in railway industrial transport and technological systems have been analyzed. The application of fuzzy logic methods will enable the construction of an optimal sequence of operations based on incomplete and imprecise information and address several operational planning tasks for freight operations without precise calculations. The expected result of applying the method for determining dynamic operation priorities implemented in the neuro-fuzzy module is an increase in the adaptability of operational planning for freight operations and a reduction in the time of engagement and the required number of self-propelled mobile units.

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