
It is set that a decision of problem of increase of production of high-quality grain-growing goods with diminishing of charges on condition of maintenance of the ecological state of environment and increase of level of fertility of soil was and remains an important task for agriculture of Ukraine. The important condition of increase of efficiency of production of high-quality grain-growing goods are determination and introduction of effective technologies of growing of wheat of winter-annual at different ground-climatic terms country. Certainly, that important is research of structural-aggregate composition of soil that determines him water-air and thermal mode and substantially influences on forming of diet of cultural plants and their productivity. The of long duration agricultural use of soils results in the changes of not only agrochemical but also agrophysics properties, the depth of that is predefined by the level of intensification of production. There is a necessity for systematic research of such changes for establishment of optimal basic parameters of physical properties of soil with the aim of optimization of technologies of growing and development of the scientifically reasonable systems of maintenance, renewal and fertility-improving of soils. The results of the researches got in the of long duration field experiments during 1971–2007 are represented in the article. A research aim was a design of fertility of soil and productivity of winter-annual grain-crops depending on natural and agrotechnical measures in South Steppe of Ukraine. Researches executed on the experienced field of the Odesa state agricultural experimental station of the National academy of agrarian sciences of Ukraine. Determined the action of the systematic bringing of organic and mineral fertilizers during six rotary presses of the crop rotation and influence of their after an action during the last two rotary presses simultaneously with the direct action of fertilizers. A reiteration in experience is triple with the systematic placing of reiterations and variants; reiteration in time – fourfold with the successive including on one field in a crop rotation. In the crop rotation set the action of the systems of fertilizer, that during four rotary presses included variants: without fertilizers and with application of organic, mineral and organic-mineral systems of fertilizer. A pus and mineral fertilizers brought in twice for a rotary press: in the field black pair and corn of milk-waxen ripeness. Mineral fertilizers as ammoniac saltpetre, superphosphate granular and potassium salt brought in under basic till of soil. Investigated the consistently growing norms of bringing of mineral nitrogen in composition a complete mineral fertilizer. It is set that in a top-soil at bringing of organic fertilizers part of blocky faction grew, and intent diminished in relation to the unfertilized variant. With application of the organic-mineral system of fertilizer with the single and one-and-a-half norm of bringing of pus and mineral fertilizers blocky faction of arable layer diminished both relatively to the organic system and to organic-mineral with a less satiation mineral fertilizers. Among the marked variants comparatively the greater level of blocky faction is marked with application of mineral fertilizers. It is set on results research, that with the increase of norm of bringing of mineral nitrogen in composition the organic-mineral systems of fertilizer gets worse structurally aggregate composition of black earth south due to the increase of him blocky factions. Certainly, that the of long duration systematic use of the organic-mineral systems of fertilizer on black earth south positively influences on water resistance of soil, maintenance of general nitrogen and his factions. It is found out, that the most deep changes take place for the use of the mineral system of fertilizer. Certainly, that bringing of complete mineral fertilizer with the different norms of nitrogen improves the trophic mode of soil and promotes the indexes of tension of the Mineralization processes, and also productivity of crop rotation in middle on 10,5%, that represents the increase of effective fertility of black earth south. From investigational variants with application of the organic-mineral systems of fertilizer in South Steppe of Ukraine, most favorable not only after the level of the productivity but also after the coefficient of humification a variant appeared with the annual bringing of organic and mineral fertilizers.

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