
The Oxyrhynchite nome was an important administrative region in Middle Egypt during the Ptolemaic and Roman eras, which centred around the city of Oxyrhynchus (modern al-Bahnasa). Though the major part of Oxyrhynchus papyri were excavated from the rubbish mounds of the city itself, they preserve the names of several hundred rural settlements (villages, hamlets, farmsteads) from its wider zone. so This research paper mainly aims to document the features of the administrative system and the economic and religious activities of the village of Syrians (Σύρων Κώμη) (=Syron Kome), one of the villages of the Libos (western) toparchy (meris) in the Oxyrhynchites nomos, with trying to illustrate the name of the village, and determine its location and elements of its population, as it is one of the important villages in the region, although its ruins are still buried under the sand and have not been revealed yet, which somewhat explains the small number of documentary papyri related

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