
The civil war and intervention necessitated a general mobilization in the controlled territories. There was an acute problem of manning the Red Army with qualified command personnel, including former tsarist officers (military experts). The purpose of the study is to consider the pro-cedure for conscripting former officers of the army of the Russian Empire to command positions in the Red Army during the Civil War. The problems of military mobilization work during the Civil War, including the involvement of former officers of the tsarist army in the Soviet service, have been studied to a greater extent at the all-Russian level. The regional specifics of the activities of organizations that carried out the registration and conscription of former officers, the problems of evading former officers from conscription and bringing them to justice for such acts are analyzed. It is concluded that in the course of the growing armed confrontation at the front, the Soviet military registration authorities went from a partial call-up of certain categories of military experts to a general total mobilization of all fit-for-service officers of the old army who lived on the territory of the RSFSR. The high level of education and qualifications of the majority of former officers allowed them to successfully cope with their duties in the civil service. This circumstance led to disagreements between the civil and military departments on the drafting of certain employees from among the former officers into the army.

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