
This article examines the influence of the trade and economic relations of the European Union and Ukraine on the development of its regions using investment planning. At the same time, with the use of systematic and synergistic approaches and methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, historical, comparative and content analysis, it was found that relations between our state and the EU were initiated in December 1991, when the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands as the presiding state in it, officially recognized the independence of Ukraine in a letter on his behalf. Hover, it was established that without proper organization of both foreign trade and project management, the appropriate use of those resources invested in the development of the region is essentially impossible. Along with this, the world has long known that their management system is a special direction of modern management, the application of which gives tangible both cur-rent and prospective results, and the implementation of various functions with project management requires appropriate actions, which are defined as their management processes. Simultaneously, project management is an integrated process of actions (or lack thereof) in one direction, which affect other directions as well. Such a relationship forces a balance between various project tasks – often an improvement in one of the areas can be achieved only at the expense of a deterioration in some other. At the same time, project management processes can be divided into six main groups, which implement different management functions: innovation, planning, analysis, performance, management and completion. Concurrently, it is worth separately distinguishing the system of network planning and management methods as a set of appropriate methods of planing and management of scientific research, capital repair of the main production facilities, design and technological works and products of a new variety, construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures using those network schedules that are used today in the system of formation of national economic complexes, which has a rather positive effect on the management of investment projects in Ukraine as well.

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