
Article investigates the main directions of the Shevchenko Scientific Society towards the formation of elementary schooling in Galicia at the end of the 19th and first third of the 20th century. In particular, an analysis of the correspondence of the society with elementary educational schooling institutions of Galicia is performed. Separated contribution of the society with following elementary schools: (“M. Shashkevych School”, “T. Shevchenko’s Selected Girl’s School”, “B.Hrinchenko Private People’s School”, etc.).Organizational and pedagogical principles of functioning of these educational institutions in support of the Shevchenko Scientific Society is revealed. Tha article provides the information regarding financing of elementary schools for improving the educational and living conditions of Ukrainian students, providing pedagogical and methodological textbooks. The author conducted an analysis of support of Ukrainian private schools by the Shevchenko Scientific Society, operating in Galicia in the late ХІХ and first third of the ХХ century.The author investigated an importance of cooperation and interaction of Ukrainian educators, who carried out the pedagogical activity in primary schools of Galicia and the Shevchenko Scientific Society and analyzed the support of Society for the development of Ukrainian elementary education not only in the territory of Galicia, but also abroad (in Chernivtsi). The role of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in creating conditions for joint work of educational societies of Galicia for the formation of Ukrainian elementary education is revealed.Thus, the activity of the Shevchenko Scientific Society for the Ukrainian elementary school in Galicia at the end of the 19th and the first third of the 20th century was purposeful and determined by the needs of educational institutions. The support of Shevchenko Scientific Society addressed the urgent needs of various branches of schooling, educational societies and organizations that acted on the path towards the formation of the educational sphere.

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