
Analysis of double immunostaining using confocal microscopy indicates the localization of a large number of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunopositive processes around the bodies of orexinergic neurons in the perifornical area of the hypothalamus in rats. In the bodies of orexynergic neurons the dopamine D1-receptors have been identified. A high degree of colocalization of D1- and D2-dopamine receptors was detected in the perifornical area, which indicates the formation of heterodimeric D1/ D2-complexes. After intraperitoneal administration of a selective D1-receptor antagonist (SCH 39166) the optical density of the cFos-protein was increased in orexinergic neurons and in adjacent GABA-neurons in perifornical area. The obtained data indicate the possibility of dopamine influence on orexinergic neurons as directly through the D1- and D2-dependent signaling pathways, and through the effect on GABA-neurons

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