
Mining, especially open pit mining, has a significant impact on the terrain. The article discusses the use of geodetic methods to monitor the process of mining and its possible impact on the environ-ment. The created relief model can be used to design the process of quarry restoration after their closure. The mineral wealth of a country is considered an important factor and is linked to the country's economy. Mineral resources are non-renewable, and their extraction and subsequent processing must take into account the rarity of their occurrence, the level of mining technologies to track spatial changes in mining operations. The main idea of this scientific study is to apply geodetic measurement methods to determine the current scale of mining in a quarry using a 3D terrain model. The paper presents an overview of the technologies used in performing geodetic measurements, as well as processing the measured data to assess the state of the spatial distribution of a quarry in order to determine the impact of mining on the landscape. The purpose of this article is to create a spatial terrain model based on the results of geodetic measurements to analyze the impact on the environment in small open pits. Methods of geodetic observations were used to create a spatial model of the terrain. Digital maps were also created by photogrammetric processing of aerial stereo images and subsequent semi-automatic removal of vegetation and other objects.

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