
The application of methods of long-term storage of sugar beet for a period of more than 2 months is justified. It has been found that small root crops are more susceptible to temperature fluctuations and relative humidity of the environment, which leads to a change in the partial pressure of water vapor between the surface of sugar beet and the surrounding air. During storage in a sugar beet mound, the relative humidity reaches from 90 to 95% due to the removal of moisture from the surface of root crops, which is a source of beet mass losses. The criteria for the size of sugar beet root crops have been determined. The necessity of creating a method for sorting trucks at the receiving point of sugar factories is shown. It was revealed that when determining the requirements for sugar beet entering storage, it is necessary to take into account, in addition to physical and chemical parameters, the value of the specific surface area of the root crop. Therefore, it is recommended to send large root crops weighing more than 570 g to kagats. The purpose of the article is formulated, which is to develop software and algorithmic support for determining the parameters of sugar beet root crops when sorting trucks. The process of distribution of trucks at the receiving point of sugar factories by man at the present time is described. A block diagram of the algorithm of the intelligent vision system program is presented and described. The features of the created software are described, such as working with sensors, processing software or hardware errors. According to the results of the study, an algorithm for the operation of the program and software of an intelligent vision system for determining the parameters of sugar beet root crops have been developed [1].

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