
The presented article actualizes the problems of improving the process of professional training of employees of the internal affairs bodies who were first hired as district commissioners. The subject of this study is the analysis of the possibilities of implementing the situation of critical self-assessment in the process of professional training of employees of the internal affairs bodies who were first recruited as district commissioners. The purpose of the study is aimed at identifying problematic factors that hinder the process of further improving the professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies who were first hired as district commissioners, and searching for ways to overcome them using the method of critical self-assessment on the example of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The leading methodological basis of this work was the theory and technology of the motivational program-target approach. The methods used to achieve this goal were methods of analyzing theoretical sources on the studied issues, survey and analysis, and quantitative interpretation of the results of practical activities.
 The respondents in this study were 89 district commissioners who underwent initial professional training at the base (BYU) for six months of 2022. The results of the work. The conducted research made it possible to determine the prevailing intrapersonal, motivational nature of the hindering factors and determined the choice of an adequate tool for overcoming them. Such a tool in this work is the method of creating a situation of critical self-assessment, taking into account the specifics of the category of students and the scope of their activities, which allows for a corrective psychological impact on the individual by referring to the intrapersonal mechanisms of self-management of their behavior. The vast majority of listeners noted that as a result of introspection and subsequent work, they were able to realize the difficulties and determine the further line of their behavior, lower or increase the level of claims, concentrating on the tasks set, and not on past negative experiences. These results allow us to conclude about the effectiveness of the activities carried out. The novelty of the study may lie in the fact that for the first time the situation of critical self-assessment was used as a tool to overcome the motivational problems of professional training of employees of internal affairs bodies who were first recruited as a district commissioner. Conclusions. The preliminary results obtained suggest the conclusion that it is necessary to continue the research that has begun, which implies its further development from the technological and substantive side, as well as the expansion of the composition of groups of employees of internal affairs bodies, taking into account the peculiarities and specifics of service for each of the categories.

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