
Criminal policy comprises a set of approaches through which responsible institutions respond to criminal phenomena to safeguard social order. Legislative criminal policy is one of the pillars of criminal policy and refers to the thought or response of a country's legislature to criminal phenomena. In legislative criminal policy, laws must be coherent, clear, and specific, preventing judges from interpreting legal texts differently. Inadequate laws lead to increased misunderstandings and judicial innovations. Agents and employees of the government represent a significant portion of a country's national assets. Their selection and employment as government agents and employees require passing through several stages, demonstrating their importance and competency. A significant portion of a country's assets is entrusted to government employees. Easy and direct access to vast amounts of information, confidential documents, government and non-government properties, as well as possessing executive power, may pose serious threats to government assets and individuals, providing government employees with the groundwork for committing crimes. Preventive measures are a proactive response to criminal phenomena that can be effective in deterring criminal activities before they occur. The question of the article is dedicated to exploring the impact of preventive measures on reducing crimes. The hypothesis consists of responses and proactive mechanisms that lead to a decrease in opportunities and contexts for committing crimes. The research method is defined as descriptive-analytical and library-based.

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