
The article highlights the characteristic features of the management activity of the ex-director of the Dovzhok Lyceum of the Kamianets-Podilskyi City Council – Galina Hryhorivna Madych, a Methodist teacher, an excellent student of education in Ukraine. Attention is focused on the features of Halyna Madych’s interaction with pedagogical, student and parent groups.During the management of the educational institution, Halyna Madych ensured systematic intra-school control over the productivity of teaching activities and the me-thodical level of teachers. The School of Mentors was operating in the Dovzhok NEC, a branch of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was organized, and the “Peace Corps” program was implemented within the framework of the agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the United States.In 1999, the Dovzhok school was reorganized into a collegium, and later – into the GSE «secondary school of I-III degrees, collegium» with a philological and cul-tural-aesthetic direction. Also, on the basis of the school, the Dovzhok educational association was created – a school educational district, aimed to ensure equal access to specialized education for children in rural educational institutions.Due attention was paid to the spiritual education of students. The teaching of the optional course «Christian ethics» was introduced, the «Ukrainian spiritual music» circle was active. Every year, the students of the school took an active part in all-school folklore holidays, charity fairs, and excursions to spiritual centers of Ukraine.Halyna Madych enabled teachers to develop new approaches to the organization of the educational process, develop original programs, conduct pedagogical experi-ments on the basis of the educational institution. She created conditions for the unity of the pedagogical, student and parent team. She regularly held school-wide parent meetings, concerts of amateur artists.Characteristic features of Galina Madych’s managerial activity were democracy, demandingness, honesty, frankness, diplomacy, openness to new things, creative and humanistic orientation, innovative potential.The director of the Dovzhok secondary school of I-III degrees, collegium aimed her work at achieving compliance of the school’s activities with the requirements of the education standard, reforming the school, introducing advanced innovative tech-nologies, meeting the teachers’ need for self-expression, creating a favorable social and psychological climate in the teaching staff .The head teacher assigned an important role to work with parents, extracurricular work, education of students, creation of appropriate conditions for the development of student self-government.

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