The reconstruction of demographic history using ancient and modern genomic resources reveals extensive interactions and admixture between ancient nomadic pastoralists and the social organizations of the Chinese Central Plain. However, the extent to which Y-chromosome genetic legacies from nomadic emperor-related ancestral lineages influence the Chinese paternal gene pool remains unclear. Here, we genotype 2717 ethnolinguistically diverse samples belonging to C2a lineages, perform whole-genome sequencing on 997 representative samples and integrate these data with ancient genomic sequences. We reconstruct the evolutionary histories of Northern Zhou-, Qing emperor-, and pastoralist-related lineages to assess their genetic impact on modern Chinese populations. This reassembled fine-scale Y-chromosome phylogeny identifies deep divergence and five Neolithic expansion events contributing differently to the formation of northern Chinese populations. Phylogeographic modeling indicates that the nomadic empires of the Northern Zhou and Qing dynasties genetically originated from the Mongolian Plateau. Phylogenetic topology and shared haplotype patterns show that three upstream ancestors of Northern Zhou (C2a1a1b1a2a1b-FGC28857), Donghu tribe (C2a1a1b1-F1756), and Qing (C2a1a3a2-F10283) emperor-related lineages expanded during the middle Neolithic, contributing significantly to genetic flow between ancient northeastern Asians and modern East Asians. Notably, this study reveals limited direct contributions of Emperor Wu of Northern Zhou's lineages to modern East Asians.
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