The XI-XII centuries are the golden age of the development of jurisprudence in Transoxiana. The science furu’ fl-fiqh is the second major branch of Hanafi jurisprudence. It consists of practical rulings based on the rules established in the science of usul al-fiqh and contains the Sharia evidence of the mujtahids, and fatwas issued on their basis. The rulings arrange in the form of topic-based texts. The language is easy and popular, considering the conditions of time and space, issues and fatwas introduced, and the rulings of madhabs compared. During this period, about 50 famous works in the usul and furu’ al-fiqh of Hanafi jurisprudence in specific genres like matn, jadal, khilaf, ahkam, faraid, shurut, adab al-qadi, hiyal, siyar, ihtisab, and fatwas were written in the country. In the XI-XII centuries, the methodology of jurisprudential sources served as the basis for the writing of later works. In particular, on the science of furu al-fiqh: Mukhtasar alQuduri by Abu al-Husayn Quduri, Khizana al-fiqh by Abu Lays Samarkandi, al-Mabsut by Imam Sarakhsi, Tuhfat alfuqaha by Alauddin Samarkandi, Badoe as-Sanoe fi Tartib ash-Sharoe by Alauddin Qasani, Bidayat al-Mubtadi and al-Hidaya Sharh al-bidaya by Burhanuddin Marginani and al-Fiqh an-nafi by Nasiruddin Samarkandi were also written during this period. Reliable sources of the jurisprudence of the Hanafi School were written by leading scholars in their field in the XI-XII centuries in Transoxiana. We can describe these works as free of weak narrations, free of mention of evidence, and documents, easy to read and memorize. At the same time, they have information on the jurisprudential differences among the various madhabs. It is essential to form the ability to understand the jurisprudential is The article has researched the works on Hanafi jurisprudence written in Transoxiana, their genre, methods, specific approaches of the authors, and their role in the development of Hanafi jurisprudence.
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