The phenological and reproductive study of Tibouchina papyrus (Pohl) Toledo (Melastomataceae) was carried out in campo rupestre vegetation, at an altitude of 1,100 m in the Parque Estadual dos Pirineus, located in municipalities of Pirenopolis and Cocalzinho, in the state of Goias. Twenty individuals of the population were selected, marked, and observed for two years regarding phenological processes such as flowering and fruiting. Their reproductive system was evaluated by manual pollination and calculations of reproductive efficacy. The fruits formed were collected and their seeds germinated in Petri dishes with wet filter paper. Treatments of manual pollination indicate this is a facultative xe nogamy species with higher fruit production by cross-pollination (45%) than by self-pollination (12%). Emasculated flowers to induce agamospermy did not produce fruits. The low production of control-fruit (30%) may be explained by low presence of pollinators. The protrusion of the radicle occurred between the 7 th and the 8 th day with 55% of germination. Flowering occurred from December to June, and fruit maturation between April and October, coinciding with seed dispersal and leaf fall during the dry season. This study provides information to understand the reproductive process of T. papyrus , an endemic and still not well studied species.