The analysis of the status of vocational training of social workers in European countries has shown that the training of specialists in the social sphere is based on social requirements and conceptual approaches, on the basis of which theoretical training of specialists is conducted taking into account the requirements of social practice. Social workers in European countries can work in a variety of institutions, regardless of their departmental affiliation, both in the field of social protection, in the healthcare, education, ministries for youth and sports, and other institutions. The activities of both social worker and social educator are oriented towards work with all categories of the population, children, adults, their families, the elderly; is aimed at activating socio-cultural and socio-pedagogical functions of society, family, community and individuals. Social workers in European countries face the same challenges and challenges in the process of their practical activity: — professionally advocate the interests of young people and citizens who can not do it on their own and need help; — show personal interest in organizing the control of the protection of a particular young person and to accompany the situation throughout the necessary period of life; — organize and support the stimulation of youth to develop constructive activity, own forces using personal reserves; — promote the emergence of a young man’s sympathy for other people who need help and intensify their activities in this direction; — take preventive measures in the social strata of young people and independently offer assistance; — pay attention to the authorities to factors that adversely affect certain social groups of the population and can have serious consequences, suggest ways of their prevention or mitigation; — influence local and central authorities in order to improve social protection of citizens. In order to successfully develop the system of vocational training of social workers in social protection of young people in Ukraine, it is necessary to study international experience, first of all European countries, as closer to certain factors of the mentality of societies and according to the state strategy of Ukraine for European integration. However, it is necessary to use the experience of European countries in the system of national higher education, taking into account political and socio-economic differences, including in cultural and historical traditions. The key goal of the social worker should be to create the greatest psychological comfort and protect the young person, and in the process of achieving this goal, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all specialists of the social-pedagogical and social sphere. The result of the work of social workers should be not only an effective system of social protection and assistance, but also ensuring the process of self-development of the individual.
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