Although the biological effect of non-ionizing (NIR) and ionizing radiation (IR) on plant seed potential is well documented, the mechanism of this impact is not clear yet. Since cell hydration, a fundamental parameter for determining cell function, is magneto-sensitive, in present work, a comparative study of extremely low frequencies (ELF) electromagnetic field (EMF), ELF EMF-modulated millimeter waves, and radiation exposure effects on winter wheat seeds water absorption and dry mass changes was performed. The seeds were incubated in physiological solutions (PS) for 2 and 72 h. In case of 2-h incubation, the water absorption determined by osmotic gradients between seeds and bathing medium, PS treated by all these factors leads to changes of water absorption. While in case of 72-h incubation (when germination processes are in active state) these impact had reversed character. The obtained data strongly suggest seeds bathing medium as a target through which the biological effects of NIR and IR are realized.