Primary malignant melanoma of female genital tract is rare, and rarer are those arising from the cervix. Pathogenesis involving BRAF & RAS pathway whether holds true for these tumours as well is a question yet to be answered. Patients come with bleeding PV as their main complain. To reach at the diagnosis of primary malignant melanoma of cervix it is important to have clinical examination with speculum assessment along with pathological evaluation of the lesion. Case presentation: We report a case of 49/F, Para 1, living 1 (P1L1), who was postmenopausal since 13 years with complains of white discharge and bleeding per vaginum since 1 week. Per vaginal examination revealed a greysih white brown growth in the cervix involving vagina. Biopsy and immunohistochemistry showed malignant melanoma (MM). Conclusion: Clinical presentation and spread pattern of primary MM of cervix is similar to that of cervical carcinoma and clinically diagnosing as melanoma is even more difficult when more than 50% tumours are amelanotic. But early diagnosis is need of the hour as these cases have poor prognosis with no standardize treatment protocol available. The FIGO staging system has been accepted by most researchers. Reporting of such cases is pertinent so as to allow the study of this extremely rare tumour for bringing up the correct and new therapies for early treatment.
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