ABSTRACT: We report a new record of Jasminum albicalyx Kobuski in Vietnam. The plant differs from J.pedunculatum Gagnep., a closely related taxon, by foliar and floral characters such as less number of lateralveins, presence of domatia at vein axils on the abaxial surface of leaf, smaller bracts, white calyx having morenumber of lobes and less number of lobes in corolla. Morphological description, line drawing and color pho-tographs are provided in addition to the species key of allied species of Jasminum albicalyx in Vietnam. Keywords: Jasminum albicalyx, New record, Vietnam, Oleaceae 적요: 물푸레나무과의Jasminum albicalyx Kobuski 를베트남의미기록종으로 보고한다. 본종은 형태적으로 J. pedunculatum Gagnep.과 유사하지만 잎과 꽃의 형질에서 유사종과 비교할 때 측맥의 수가 적고 잎의배면 엽맥에 돌출된 충낭(domatium)들이 있으며, 포의 크기가 작고, 흰색인 악열편의 수가 많으며, 화관열편의 수는 적은 점이 다르다. 형태학적 기재, 도해, 그리고 원색사진과 아울러 본종과 유사한 베트남의Jasminum 속 식물의 검색표을 제시하였다. 주요어: Jasminum albicalyx , 미기록종, 베트남물푸레나무과Jasminum L. is one of the largest genera in the familyOleaceae and is represented by about 200 species distributedin tropical and subtropical regions of South East Asia, Europe,Australia and Africa (Mabberley, 2008.). In Vietnam, the genusis represented by 32 species (Bui et al., 2013) and has beenstudied taxonomically by several authors (Kobuski, 1939;Pham, 2000; Tran, 2003). During a floristic expedition to BatÐai Son Natural Reserve in Ha Giang province of NorthVietnam, an interesting species of Jasminum was encountered.After a thorough scrutiny of the available literature (Gagnepain,1933; Chang et al., 1996; Pham, 2000; Tran, 2003) and studyof the type specimens, it was identified as J. albicalyx Kobuski,hitherto unreported from Vietnam. So far, this species wasreported only from the Guangxi province of China (Chang etal., 1996). This species is morphologically most similar to J.*Author for correspondence: joongku@kribb.re.krhttp://www.pltaxa.or.krCopyright © 2014 the Korean Society of Plant Taxonomists
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