The classical Stone–von Neumann theorem relates the irreducible unitary representations of the Heisenberg group Hn to non-trivial unitary characters of its center Z, and plays a crucial role in the construction of the oscillator representation for the metaplectic group. In this paper we extend these ideas to non-unitary and non-irreducible representations, thereby obtaining an equivalence of categories between certain representations of Z and those of Hn. Our main result is a smooth equivalence, which involves the fundamental ideas of du Cloux on differentiable representations and smooth imprimitivity systems for Nash groups. We show how to extend the oscillator representation to the smooth setting and give an application to degenerate Whittaker models for representations of reductive groups. We also include an algebraic equivalence, which can be regarded as a generalization of Kashiwara’s lemma from the theory of D-modules.
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