BIOGEOGHAPHIA « vol. XVIII — 1995 (Pubb/icato i/ 31 ottobre 1995) Le piccole Isole Circumsarde e il Ioro significato Biogeografico I chilopodi delle isole circumsarde nel contesto del popolamento insulate dell’area tirrenica s.l. DONATELLA FODDAI (q‘), ALESSANDRO MINELLI (qq‘) e MARZIO ZAPPAROLI (H) (‘'9 Dipm*z‘z'meIzt0 dz‘ Bzblogzkz, UI2z'z2errz'tc2 tlegli Stutli, Via Trieste, 75 - 35121 Przdowz Dz'ptzrtz'me7zt0 (Ii Protezioize delle Pitmte, Um'vem’tzi della Tuscia, Via S. Ctmzillo de Lellir - 01100 Viterho Key words: centipedes, islands faunas, faunistics, equilibrium biogeograhy. SUMMARY 25 species of centipedes known from 40 circumsardinian islands (cs. i.) are critically discussed, in the context of West Mediterranean islands, from a faunistic and zoogeographic point of view. A maximum of 15 species has been found on one island (La Maddalena), the most characteristic centi~ pedes of the cs, i. being Brzzc/Jy.te/Je/m’_v/zz armzzta, Hydroxc/Jemlylzz 51/lmzzzrimz, Sc/Jezzdyla 721edfz.‘errm1ea and Clrizapader porezdo/zit. The Centipede fauna of the es. i. differs from that of Sardinia because of the poor representation of the Lithobiomorpha (19 species in Sardinia), perhaps on account of the little size of these islands and the lack of suitable habitats like woods and caves. The Centipede fauna of the little isle of Figarolo is peculiar, with 10 species on 0.211 Kmz only, these species include the interesting thyrrenian element Bn1e/Jyrc/Je/m'yla rm)/ata and the halobiont Geo];/Jilm poser- do/123‘. Some species, expected be present here on account of their wide distribution in Sardinia and in the other Western Mediterranean Italian islands (i.e. HiII1flIlfflI'illIIl gabrielix, Lit/70/7z'ur /m'cr0[1: and Geop/Jilzlr mrpap/mgr/X), have not been also found. All species of the cs. i. also occur in Sardinia, so we think that this fauna resulted from recent coloniza- tion events. , a High similarity exists both among the es. i. insisting on the same sector of Sardinia, and among those which insist on different sectors. However, we perceive a filter effect associated with the dimensions of the islands of the different archipelagos. \When comparing the centipedes of the Northeastern sector of Sardinia and those of the island groups insisting here, with those of the Tuscanian Archipelago, we find high similarity between this compartment and the Tuscanian Islands, moderate similarity between the Maddalena Archipelago and the Tuscanian one, and a low and decreasing similarity between the Northeastern Islands and Tavolara, and the Tuscanian Archipelago. _, This gradient is probably determined by the increasing distance between the islands comparedand by the different size of the islands. i For the cs. i. 7 species out of 25 account for the 65% of the species/island presences, similar values were found for the other West-mediterraiiean Italian Islands (34 islands; Corsica, Giraglia, Sicily and Sardinia excluded), where 65 °/o of the presences is accounted for by 15 species out of 56. Five species (Pzzc/Jy/7zerz'zmr ferrz/gz'Izez//71, Scalopemira carziderzr 0rzzm'eIzrz'r, Cryp/opt t)‘i.\'2tfCtltZt.X‘, 5tz'gI7zzzt0gtzi‘ter gmci[z's, Sci/tigerzz coleaptrzzta) are comprised amongst the 7 most commonly occurring ones, both for the cs. i. and for the other \West—Mediterranean Italian islands. 357
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