1. Lohmann Brown pullets, in one trial, and Hyline Brown pullets in another, were reared from day 2 on short daylengths, and from week 8 in trial 1 (week 16 in trial 2) on food restriction. These restrictions were lifted at various times during the rearing period as a means of determining the relative importance of the day length and food restriction stimuli on the attainment of sexual maturity and subsequent laying performance. 2. A total of 2304 pullets were used in each trial. The birds were reared in light proof rooms, and subjected to 8L:16D until they were moved to a laying facility where a light stimulus of 16L:8D was applied. In trial 1 the six ages at which light stimulation was applied were 115, 122, 129, 136, 143 and 171 d. Within each light treatment, food restriction of pullets, which consisted of feeding 72 g of food/bird d, was lifted at six different ages, namely, 115, 129, 143, 157, 171 and 185 d. In trial 2 both the light stimulation and the lifting of food restriction occured at 111, 125, 139, 153, 167 and 181 d of age, producing 6 × 6=36 treatments in both trials. 3. The first trial was terminated when the pullets were 28 weeks old, soon after all the birds had commenced laying, because of an outbreak of Egg Drop Syndrome. However, because age at maturity was the variable of major interest, data from this experiment could be used in the analysis. The second trial ended when the birds reached 40 weeks of age. Variables measured were age at maturity, food intake and body weight gain subsequent to the lifting of restrictions and, in the second experiment, rate of lay, peak rate of lay and egg weight at various ages. 4. The mean age at sexual maturity was influenced by the date of release from light restriction ( P <0001) and from food restriction ( P <0.001) in both trials. In addition, the interaction between the age at release from light and from food restriction was significant. Regression equations were produced for each trial to describe the relationships between the age at sexual maturity and the age at release from light restriction and food restriction. 5. There was an effect of both light restriction ( P <0.001) and of food restriction ( P <0.001) on the increase in food intake (g/bird d) in the week following release from food restriction in both experiments. These effects were not independent: the effect of the interaction of light and food restriction on this increase in food intake was also highly significant. The longer the birds were subjected to light restriction, the less dramatic the increase in food intake when food restriction was lifted. The more sustained the period of food restriction, the higher the increase in food intake in the week following release from the restriction. 6. Mean egg weight was 4 g heavier at 22 weeks of age in birds released from food restriction at 16 and 18 weeks, than from those released at 24 and 26 weeks of age. However, by 30 weeks of age, birds restricted for longer produced heavier eggs than their earlier-maturing counterparts. This effect continued to the end of the trial at 40 weeks of age, at which time there was a 2.3 g difference in egg weight between these treatments. 7. Both light and food restriction have an effect on the age of maturity in laying hens. The length of time between the release from light or from food restriction to the onset of laying depended on the age of the pullets when the release occurred. Egg weight at a given age was significantly affected by the age at release from food restriction, but not from light restriction.
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