A new approach is described for the systematic analysis of a variety of waveguides for surface acoustic waves on isotropic solids, and explicit results are presented which in most cases are either the only analytical solutions available or ones which furnish superior accuracy. This new approach adapts the techniques of microwave network theory to guided acoustic wave problems, so that many of the powerful methods developed in the context of electromagnetic microwaves can be applied to advantage. These methods utilize transmission lines and equivalent networks which look electrical but are actually purely acous- tic. They furnish physical insight and are particularly helpful to those trained in transmission line theory. The basic elements of this new ap- proach are explained in the paper. Waveguides for acoustic surface waves fall into two classes: overlay guides and topographic guides; the most important ones in each class are treated here. In Paper I, the strip and slot guides are discussed, and in Paper 11, the topographic and overlay rectangular ridge guides are analyzed. For each of the waveguides treated, analytical (not simply numerical) results for the dispersion relations are presented, curves for the dispersion behavior are included, and comparisons with other theories and with measurements (where available) are indicated. I. INTRODUCTION N A PAIR of papers by the present authors (l), (2), the foundation was laid for the systematic application of well- established and proven microwave network techniques to problems involving acoustic waves in isotropic media. This foundation involved the formulation of a rigorous transmission- line formalism for guided acoustic waves. The formalism makes possible, in principle, the derivation of equivalent network rep- resentations for acoustic wave junctions and discontinuities. As an illustration of this new approach, transmission-line representations were derived for the bulk plane-wave modes in isotropic media, and equivalent networks were obtained for a large variety of planar interfaces. With these results, the solution for the modal propagation characteristics of two- dimensional, plane-stratified structures becomes systematic and straightforward, as seen, for example, in (3), (4). Al- though such a method of solution does have the very definite virtues of minimizing the algebra required in the analysis and furnishing physical insight, its full utility and value are not clearly manifested in the context of such two-dimensional problems because the latter can always be solved analytically by classical techniques.
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