We study the magnetic flow determined by a smooth Riemannian metric g and a closed 2-form Ω on a closed manifold M. If the lift of Ω to the universal cover M̃ is exact, we can define a critical value c(g,Ω) in the sense of Mañé (1997 Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat. 28 141-53) for the lift of the flow to M̃. We have c(g,Ω)<∞ if and only the lift of Ω has a bounded primitive. This critical value can be expressed in terms of an isoperimetric constant defined by (g,Ω), which coincides with Cheeger's isoperimetric constant when M is an oriented surface and Ω is the area form of g. When the magnetic flow of (g,Ω) is Anosov on the unit tangent bundle SM, we show that 1/2>c(g,Ω) and any closed bounded form in M̃ of degree ⩾2 has a bounded primitive.Next we consider the one-parameter family of magnetic flows on SM associated with the pair (g,λΩ) for λ⩾0, where Ω is such that its lift to M̃ has a bounded primitive.We introduce a volume entropy hv(λ) defined as the exponential growth rate of the average volume of certain balls. We show thathv(λ)⩽htop(λ), where htop(λ) isthe topological entropy of the magnetic flow of (g,λΩ) on SM andthat equality holds if the magnetic flow of (g,λΩ) is Anosov on SM.If λ1⩽λ2 and the magnetic flows for (g,λ1Ω)and (g,λ2Ω) are both Anosov on SM, then hv(λ1)⩾hv(λ2).We construct an example of a Riemannian metricof negative curvature on a closed oriented surface of higher genussuch that if ϕλ is the magnetic flow associated withthe area form with intensity λ, then there are values of the parameter0<λ1<λ2 with the property that ϕλ1has conjugate points and ϕλ2 is Anosov. Variations of this example show that it is also possible to exit andreenter the set of Anosov magnetic flows arbitrarily many timesalong the one-parameter family. Moreover, we can startwith a Riemannian metric with conjugate points and endup with an Anosov magnetic flow for some λ>0.Finally we have a version of the example (in which Ω is no longer the area form) such thatthe topological entropy of ϕλ1 is greater than the topological entropy of the geodesic flow, which in turn is greater than thetopological entropy of ϕλ2.
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