Ozet Amac: Madde bagimliligi gunumuzde onemli bir halk sagligi sorunudur. Bu calisma, universite ogrencilerinde sigara, alkol ve uyusturucu madde kullaniminin yayginligini ve bunu etkileyen faktorleri arastirmak amaci ile yapildi. Yontem: Kesitsel tipteki bu arastirmada veriler, Hatay Mustafa Kemal Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi, Ziraat Fakultesi ve Reyhanli Saglik Meslek Yuksek Okulu ogrencilerinden elde edildi. Her fakulte ya da yuksek okuldan bir, iki, uc ve dorduncu siniflardan birer sube secildi ve siniflarda ½ sistematik orneklem ile de ogrenciler secildi. Calismaya toplam 396 ogrenci katildi. Arastirmaya katilmayi kabul edenlere gozlem altinda soru kagidi uygulandi. Bulgular: Katilan ogrencilerin yas ortalamasi 20.9±2.3 ve %55.1’i erkektir. Yasam boyu sigara, alkol ve uyusturucu madde kullanimi sirasiyla %73.2, %56.6 ve %9.6 idi. Erkeklerde sigara, alkol ve uyusturucu madde kullanimi daha yuksek bulundu. Babasinda ve kardesinde sigara ve alkol kullanimi oykusu olanlarda sigara ve alkol kullanimi daha yuksek saptandi. Yakin akrabalarinda uyusturucu madde kullanimi bildirenlerde, uyusturucu madde kullanimi daha fazla bulundu. Sigara kullananlarda siddete ugrama ve siddet uygulama, sigara icmeyenlere gore daha yuksek idi (p<0.001). Hayat boyu siddete ugrayanlarin ozguven ve sosyal destek skorlari dusuk, surekli kaygi puanlari yuksek bulundu (p<0.01). Ucucu madde kullananlarda surekli kaygi puani yuksek (p<0.05), sosyal destek puani dusuk idi (p<0.05). Sonuc: Sigara icme, alkol ve uyusturucu madde kullanimi Hatay’da universite ogrencilerinde yaygindir. Bulgularimiz ucucu madde kullanimi ile yuksek surekli kaygi ve dusuk sosyal destek arasinda iliski oldugunu desteklemektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Madde kullanimi, universite ogrencileri, ozsaygi, ozguven, kaygi, siddet Abstract Aim: Substance abuse is an important public health problem. This study examined the prevalence of cigarette smoking, alcohol and substance use among the university students, as well as factors associated with the use of addictive substances. Methods : In this cross-sectional study, the data were obtained from the students of the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Agriculture and Health Professions High School. One class per educational year and per branch were selected from all of the schools. The participants were selected by a ½ systematic sampling methods. A total of 396 students participated and self-completed the survey. Results : The mean age of the students was 20.9 ± 2.3, and 55.1% of all participants were males. Lifetime tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drug use were identified as 73.2%, 56.6% and 9.6% respectively. Among the male students, cigarette, alcohol and substance abuse were higher than among the female students. Among the students who reported their father’s and siblings’ smoking and drinking, cigarette and alcohol use were higher. Among the students who reported having relatives using substances, the perceived possibility/desire/risk to use addictive substances in the future was more common for any period of life. Exposure to violence (either as a perpetrator or as a victim) was more frequent among the smokers (p <0.001). Self-esteem and social support scores were lower, and trait anxiety scores were higher among those who had been exposed to violence (p <0.01). Among the students who reported volatile substance use, trait anxiety scores were significantly higher (p <0.05) and social support scores were lower (p <0.05). Conclusion: Smoking, alcohol use and illicit drug use were common among the university students in the province of Hatay. Our finding supported the view that volatile substance abuse was associated with high trait anxiety and low social support Key words: Substance use, university students, self esteem, self efficacy, anxiety, violence