In distributed optical fiber sensors, strain transfer is usually described through a simplified one-dimensional equation, derived from continuum mechanics. This equation, in which a parameter known as the strain-lag parameter takes into account the cable’s geometric and mechanical characteristics, establishes a relationship between the measured longitudinal strain profile within the optical fiber and the real strain profile occurring in the host material. In the case of steel-reinforced optical fiber cables, appreciated for their resistance to breakage during on-site instrumentation, a notable discrepancy between the measured and actual strain profiles is revealed especially in the presence of a strain gradient, indicating that the ability to transfer strain from the host material to the optical fiber is restrained using this type of cable. This paper assesses numerically the strain transfer model for steel-reinforced optical fiber sensors in the presence of a strain gradient generated by two void inclusions in a concrete beam. The good accuracy of the strain transfer model is observed by the comparison with a 3D finite element simulation. However, the result points out the critical necessity of precisely determining the strain-lag parameter.