This study describes the horizontal, vertical, and seasonal variation qualitatively and quantitatively of net plankton in Craighead Lake and the co-existing physicochemical characteristics. Further, this information is compared qualitatively with the results obtained by Barton (1963) concerning the same lake. Craighead Lake is a soft water lake with generally adequate oxygen values throughout the year, maintaining a fairly constant carbon dioxide level and neutral pH in the upper strata. The lake is biologically poor and the 55 genera of net plankton identified constituted a mean annual standing crop of only 710 organisms/1. Total organisms varied numerically from 168/1 to 2254/1 on 4 January and 26 April 1969, respectively. Difflugia, Ceratium, Diaptomus, and Keratella were the dominant genera, in that order. Vertical distribution of plankton was generally characterized by fewer taxa and greater numbers/1 with increased depth. The most striking change in net plankton since 1962-63 has been a drastic change in the composition of the dominant forms. This change, and the overall paucity of plankton organisms in the present study, is largely attributed to the softness of the water and the enlargement of the lake in 1962 by extensive dredging. Craighead Lake is located on Crowley's Ridge 9.7 km S of Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansas. Developed initially as a recreational area with primary emphasis upon boating and skiing, the lake was enlarged in 1962 and now serves as a fishing area as well. Barton's (1963) investigation of the seasonal variation in surface net plankton has been the only limnological study made of the lake. This study describes the horizontal, vertical and seasonal variation qualitatively and quantitatively of plankton in Craighead Lake and the co-existing physicochemical characteristics. Further, this information is compared qualitatively with the results obtained by Barton (1963) to report any change in the plankton composition. Preliminary observations indicated that a reversal of succession was to be anticipated, due to the dredging and enlargement of the lake in 1962. DESCRIPTION OF AREA. Craighead County lies within the alluvial valley of the Mississippi River beginning near Cape Girardeau, Missouri, and extends southward to the deltaic plain in Louisiana. A thick veneer of loess overlies the bedrock of the valley walls, particularly on its east side.
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