Abstract Introduction Bronchogenic cyst is a relatively rare congenital malformation that develops from abnormal budding of the ventral foregut during the early stage of gestation. Histologically, the cyst wall is covered by respiratory-type ciliated epithelium that may include cartilage and bronchial glands. Case report We present a 20 yrs male with chest discomfort during swallowing for 6 months. Evaluated with Upper GI scopy showed smooth mucosal elevation 30-35 cm from incisors. CECT Chest Showed features of Intramural cystic lesion of size 7x7cm.Patient was evaluated and taken up for surgery. Robotic Thoracoscopic cyst excison was done. Intraoperatively 7x7cm cystic lesion in lower esophagus infra carinally. Cyst has no communication with mucosa. Post operatively patient recovered well, Drin removed on 3 rd Post operative day and Patient was discharged on 4 th day. Histopathology showed the cyst wall is covered by respiratory-type ciliated epithelium that may include cartilage and bronchial glands https://1drv.ms/v/s!AklfEcoVwf9chCmLN-FSXBA2yV3B