A field experiment was carried out at College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad to study the influence of land configurations and vegetative mulch on the yield, yield attributes, nutrient uptake and economics of yellow sorghum genotypes during kharif 2018-19. The experiment was laid out in strip plot design with six (6) land configurations as main plots viz., Flat bed, Ridge and furrow, Broad bed and furrow, Flat bed + Mulch (FB + M), Ridge and Furrow + Mulch (RF + M), Broad bed and furrow + Mulch (BBF + M) and four (4) yellow pericarp sorghum genotypes as sub plots viz., PYPS (Palem yellow pericarp sorghum) 101,102, 103 and 104. Results obtained from the study showed that broad bed and furrows along with mulch (BBF+ M) reported higher yield attributes viz., effective ear heads per m2 (11.91), grains per ear head (741), grain weight per ear head (21.93 g) and higher nutrient uptake (246 N, 43.0 P and 78.7 K kg ha-1). While, PYPS 102 genotype registered higher effective ear heads per m2 (11.90), grains per ear head (702), grain weight per ear head (19.49 g) and higher total nutrient uptake (246 N, 43.0 P and 78.7 K kg ha-1). In terms of economics, higher gross returns (Rs. 95747 ha-1), net returns (Rs. 62101 ha-1). and BC ratio (2.84) were recorded under broad bed and furrows with mulch, owing to higher grain and stover yield (1700 and 1585 kg ha-1, respectively). BBF + M recorded an increase of 37, 35 and 57 per cent in grain yield, gross returns and net returns, respectively over flatbed with no mulch. Correspondingly, higher grain yields of PYPS 102 (1586 kg ha-1) had reflected in monetary terms, as both the gross returns (PYPS 102 – Rs. 89774 ha-1), net returns (PYPS 102 – Rs. 57028 ha-1) and benefit cost ratio (PYPS 102 – 2.74). Thus, the above treatments were found to be the best options for cultivation of yellow sorghum considering their higher yield, yield attributes, nutrient uptake and economics under rainfed condition in South Telangana agro-climatic zone.
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