The divergence-free generalized moving least squares (Div-Free GMLS) approximation has recently been utilized to solve some incompressible fluid flows problems. In our recent work (Mohammadi and Dehghan (2021) [28]), we have presented its formulation more precisely, and also the error estimates of derivatives have been carried out in L∞(Ω), where Ω⊂Rd is a bounded set satisfying an interior cone condition. However, the error estimates of this vector-valued approximation in Sobolev spaces are not done. So, in this paper we make the error estimates of Div-Free GMLS derivatives approximations in Lq(Ω), where 1≤q≤∞, using a stable local divergence-free polynomial reproduction property. Note that, the method is a direct approximants of exact derivatives of a divergence-free vector field, which possesses the optimal rates of convergence. This vector-valued technique can also be developed to find the numerical solution of the incompressible fluid flows problems easier than the other available mesh-dependent methods. Finally, we have shown how the proposed approximation can recover the velocity field variable of the well-known Darcy's problem in a two-dimensional space.