I'm not sure how many of you are interested in Greek mythology. Truth be told, in general, I was not a big fan. No reason really, I just never got into it. That is, until I was introduced11 I was introduced to Kairos and the tale he has to tell at a Habitudes Intensive Workshop taught by Tim Elmore in January 2019, at Growing Leaders (https://growingleaders.com), Atlanta, GA. The Opportunity Statue is in The Art of Leading Yourself Habituates book, image 10 (Elmore, 2018) to Kairos. Let me explain. Kairos (also called Caerus) was the Greek god or personified spirit of opportunity and the youngest of the divine sons of Zeus. The original bronze allegoric statue of Kairos was made by Lysippos22 The original statue of Kairos made by Lysippos is lost, but there is an attic sarcophagus fragment depicting Kairos the god of opportunity at the Museum of Antiquities in Turin, Italy, a picture of which can be viewed at Antiquities Exhibits (n.d.). and stood outside his home in the Agora of Hellenistic Sikyon (Figure 1). Lysippos depicted Kairos as a young man with winged feet, a large lock of hair on the front of his head, and no hair at all in the back. That's right, he's complete bald in the back. “What is thy name?” “My name is Opportunity.” “Why do you have wings on your feet?” “That I will be able to fly efficiently.” “How come you have such a big forelock?” “That men will apprehend me when I arrive.” “Can you tell me why you're bald in the back?” “That no one will be able to catch me as I pass.” As is clear from the excerpt from the inscription beneath the statue, opportunity is something that you must grab hold of when it arrives, but you will not be able to catch hold of it after it passes. I will close with one of my favorite quotes about opportunity and a story to go along with it. “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas A. Edison A number of years ago, I was privileged to get involved, at just the right time, with some amazing faculty members from a variety of universities who had a passion and a vision for the future of food science education. It was hard work, but it was so very worth it. Born of those efforts were the Education Division44 The petition to form the Education Division was submitted to IFT on February 27, 1995, by Dr. Faye Dong, from University of Washington, Seattle, WA at that time, who later became the Head of the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. (currently Education, Extension, and Outreach Division) and the Journal of Food Science Education55 Dr. Wayne Iwaoka in his first editorial acknowledges the following key individuals in the IFT Education Division for their efforts in the creation of JFSE: Darrell Donahue, Alfred Bushway, Jim Bird, and Denise Skonberg from the University of Maine; Grady Chism from Ohio State University; Clark Brekke from University of Tennessee; Shelly Schmidt and Kris Campbell from the University of Illinois; Rich Hartel from the University of Wisconsin; Faye Dong from the University of Washington; Paul Singh from the University of California, Davis; Carolyn Fisher from McCormick and Co.; and Albert McGill from Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Thank you for your vision and perseverance that made JFSE a reality. . I encourage you to grab hold of the opportunity to be a part of the future of Food Science Education. Don't let it pass you by. It has been my great pleasure and honor to serve as the third Scientific Editor of the Journal of Food Science Education from 2014 to 2021, preceeded by two wonderful colleagues and friends – Dr. Wayne Iwaoka, emeritus professor at the University of Hawaii, the inaugural Scientific Editor from 2000 to 2005, followed by Dr. Grady Chism, emeritus professor at the Ohio State University, the second Scientific Editor from 2006 to 2013. Final Course Project (FCP) Information - FSHN 101 The Science of Food, Fall 2021 (See supplemental file “JFSE-v20i1-Schmidt editorial supplemental-Final Course Project.pdf”) Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.