Coriander is a dual purpose vegetable used as leaf as well as a spice, along with medicinal properties. Owing to its compound umbel and difficulty in crossing programme, mutation breeding is the available source to create variability. Mutagenesis is a well-recognized tool to expand genetic variability. The present investigation involves mutagenesis in coriander cv. Sindhu with physical (gamma rays) and chemical mutagens (EMS) and their combinations. The mutation frequency, mutagenic effectiveness and mutagenic efficiency were calculated for the gamma rays, EMS and their combination doses. In gamma rays, a drop in mutagenic effectiveness was observed at 10Kr followed by increase with higher concentration. Mutagenic effectiveness due to gamma rays, ranged from 6.5 to 8.51 due to EMS ranged from 42.09 to 49.55 and due to combination treatments ranged from 12.17 to 18.80 (5kr+0.2% EMS) in coriander variety, Sindhu. The mutagenic efficiency based on survival ranged from 1.78 to 4.0, injury ranged from 3.83 to 8.2, sterility ranged from 2.37 to 5.18 indicating differential response to different mutagens. The combination of gamma rays and EMS at lower and moderate doses expressed its worth to create higher mutation frequency by manifesting higher efficiency than the individual mutagens single-handed.
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