Brain waste is largely cleared via diffusion and advection in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). CSF flows through a pathway referred to as the glymphatic system, which is also being targeted for delivering drugs to the brain. Despite the importance of solute transport, no brain-wide models for predicting clearance and delivery through perivascular pathways and adjacent parenchyma existed. We devised such a model by upgrading an existing model of CSF flow in the mouse brain to additionally solve advection-diffusion equations, thereby estimating solute transport. We simulated steady-state transport of 3 kDa dextran injected proximal to the perivascular space (PVS) of the middle cerebral artery, mimicking in vivo experiments. We performed a sensitivity analysis of 11 biological properties of PVSs and brain parenchyma by repeatedly simulating solute transport with varying parameter values. Parameter combinations that led to a large total pressure gradient, poor CSF perfusion or a steep solute gradient were deemed unrealistic. Solute concentrations in parenchyma were most sensitive to changes in pial PVS size, as this parameter linearly affects volume flow rates. We also found that realistic transport requires both highly permeable penetrating PVSs and high-resistance parenchyma. This study highlights the potential of brain-wide models to provide insights into solute transport processes.