Introduction: In today’s advanced medical world maternal child health care the important part of the healthcare system and import components is estimation fetal gestational age.Gestational age is age of unborn baby, defined in weeks as beginning from first day of last menstrualperiod prior to conception. Trimester is period of three calendar months during a pregnancy. Clinically, thegestational period is divided into three trimesters. Estimation of gestational age and thereby forecastingexpected date of delivery (EDD) is not only concern of the Individual but it is invaluable in the diagnosis ofintrauterine growth retardation of fetus and obstetric planning other fetal parameters are useful Hence; weplanned the present study to estimate fetal HC length for measuring the gestational age and compare it withother parameters.Material and methods: The study Correlation between gestational age and head circumference in Thirdtrimester was carried out at Govt. Medical College and Hospital, Nanded, between July 2011 to July 2013period . The study included 132 pregnant women the data so collected was then subjected to statisticalanalysis by expert statistician with the help of SYSTAT Crainsoft version 12 software. Standard statisticalmethods, parametric methods were used for the evaluation and significance.Results: As the value of R is 0.8612, the variation in fetal growth on the basis of Head Circumference duringthird trimester can be explained to the extent of 86.12%. The value of R is highly significant (Student’s‘t’test value = 228.92, p<0.0001, very highly significant) showing that there is statistically highly Positive orstrong positive association between gestational age and head CircumferenceConclusion: From the present study Head Circumference found to be statistically highly significant. Theregression equations derived for growth parameter for estimating gestational age in a normally developingfetus, increase with gestational age, showed good correlation with gestational age. In Present study, Headcircumference is the sensitive parameter and a result of present study was comparable with previous studies.
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