Computer related RSI before 20 years of age? This rather provocative question put focus on the increasing number of children and young people requiring treatment for muscular problems, particularly from the shoulder and arm region, problems that are related to the use of computer mouse and keyboard. The usage of computers has increased during the last years and particularly in the ages from 7 to 10. Young children are using computer in schools, in spare time activities outside schools and in the homes. The number of hours that children are using computers will most probably increase even further as many schools are prioritising investments in this area. The objectives with this study were to create a survey of computer work place design in the school environment and to evaluate this from an ergonomic and physical point of view, regarding the situation for both pupils and teachers. The study has pointed out that there is a limited ergonomic knowledge among teachers and other responsible people working in schools. This lack of awareness among the majority of teachers is affecting two different problems; firstly the physical strain children are exposed to when using computers due to bad workplace design and secondly it gives the children a lack of awareness of the importance of ergonomic aspects in workplace design. The saying “We do not train for school, we train for life” is very true, particularly in this case. To support teachers and other people in the schools, responsible for the use of and training with computers, a hand book, based on the outcome of the study, has been produced. The handbook contains headlines as Computer ergonomics in the school environment; To the teacher; To the student; Checklist and finally a short chapter: To you that only have the time to read two pages. The handbook should be distributed free of charge to all Swedish schools.
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