Data suggests that despite the availability of evidence-based psychological treatments for eating disorders (EDs), techniques from these therapies may be less frequently used within real-life clinical practice. The aim of this study was to provide the opportunity for clinicians to give feedback on their experiences treating EDs using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) through reporting on use of CBT techniques and barriers to treatment implementation in naturalistic settings. Clinicians (N = 126) who self-identified as using CBT for EDs reported demographic information, frequency/usefulness of empirically supported treatment techniques, problems/limitations of CBT, and barriers faced while implementing CBT. The most frequently used technique reported by clinicians was psychoeducation, and the least frequently used technique was use of surveys to address mind reading. Patients’ unwillingness to follow a meal plan/nutritional guide was rated as the most impactful barrier, alongside ED severity. Of the problems/limitations of CBT, too little guidance on treating co-occurring symptoms was rated as the most impactful. This study provided a mechanism for clinicians to share their experiences using CBT for EDs in real-world settings. Overall, results regarding frequency of use and usefulness of techniques indicate a high level of endorsement. Moreover, the most frequently endorsed barriers to/limitations of CBT related to lack of guidance on treating complex ED presentations. Future research should explore ways to treat cases that go beyond the prototypical ED case and explore ways to adapt CBT to meet the needs of naturalistic treatment settings.
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