This study evaluates the capabilities of a commercial digital autoradiography set-up in characterizing the spatial distribution of radioactivity in U-bearing materials. Two different imaging plates (IPs) from various manufacturers, as well as three read-out granularities (25 µm, 50 µm, and 100 µm) of a high-resolution IP scanner, were tested. A custom software, developed using Python, was used for processing of the image raw data obtained from the IP scanner. The software extracted 25 intensity profiles from each autoradiographic image, allowing for a detailed analysis of the data. By applying various mathematical fitting functions, important metrics such as edge width, amplitude of the flat top, and central core width of the intensity profiles were determined. This provided valuable insights into the interaction between the U samples and IPs, particularly for samples of different geometry and thickness. Comparisons were made between samples embedded in epoxy resin or modelling clay and non-embedded U specimens. The results highlighted the superior performance of epoxy embedding in the characterization of U-bearing materials. The variation in signal intensity between runs for individual samples reached up to 20 %, showing consistent behavior across all samples in each measurement. This suggests that the inconsistency in signal response during repetitive analysis is likely due to the IP scanner rather than the IP itself. By using the analytical method of global spatial autocorrelation (Moran’s I), we were able to effectively detect enrichment inhomogeneity within low enriched UO2 pellets. The Moran’s I value quantified the levels of inhomogeneity, providing a numerical measure that was not visually apparent from the digital autoradiographic image.