Dear Readers,The IX symposium of applied chemistry and the first international conference of Nanochemistry, Nanophysics and Nanomedicine were held at the Metropolitan Cultural Convention Center in Armenia, Colombia between august 21-23 (2019). Both were organized by Universidad del Quindio in collaboration with the Colombian Society of Chemical Sciences (SCCQ) and the Colombian Society of Engineering Physics (SCIF). The interdisciplinary meeting aimed to generate collaborations and connect different professionals framed in the chemical sciences intersected with physics, material science, agricultural sciences, maths, biology, medicine, engineering among others. 80 students and professionals registered to 5 pre-congress courses and 450 participants from 6 countries attended 3 days of multidisciplinary discussions with 10 plenary talks, 90 oral presentations and 200 posters.In the 9th version of the symposium, researchers focused of Chemistry as a discipline that studies matter, what it consists of (atoms, molecules, ions), what its properties are, and how it changes or it could be transformed that conducted at the nanoscale intersects with nanotechnology. The design of devices, sensors, processes and products can be designed, functionalized and implemented from building blocks either atoms or nanomaterials. In the conference projects, ideas and results were discussed around green chemical and physical synthesis (Microwave assisted synthesis) of Nanoparticles, how nanomaterial´s ligand coatings could be modified for improved detection, modification of Surface charge distributions, to improve Nanomaterials (NMs) characteristics such as stability, and selectivity; the studies of metal-ligand cooperation phenomena that can occur in organometallic complexes and impact the election of ligands for selective and efficient catalysis. In addition to the design of shells to form interface layers that combined all the possibilities from inorganic to organic, to the embedding of NMs into polymer networks and their integration with large of Networks and Nanostructures for the design of functional materials. Scientist highlighted experimental evidence for the different materials Nms can be made of and sizes and shapes there could be produced at and the need to understand the potential hazards and risk in all the activities that involved the creation, use and disposing of Nms and residues. A debate kept the questions of the regional production of these nanomaterials to supply the needs of the current industry in Colombia and the human protection for the unknown hazards. Researchers also include discussion around the Nms fusion with living matter for applications on cancer detection and other Terminal illnesses.
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