ABSTRACT Let R be a commutative ring, G a group, and RG its group ring. Let ϕ: RG → RG denote the R-linear extension of an involution ϕ defined on G. An element x in RG is said to be symmetric if ϕ (x) = x. A characterization is given of when the symmetric elements (RG)ϕ of RG form a ring. For many domains R it is also shown that (RG)ϕ is a ring if and only if the symmetric units form a group. The results obtained extend earlier work of Bovdi (2001), Bovdi et al. (1996), Bovdi and Parmenter (1997), Broche Cristo (2003, to appear), Giambruno and Sehgal (1993), and Lee (1999), who dealt with the case that ϕ is the involution * mapping g ∈ G onto g−1.