Previous articleNext article No AccessCommunicationsA Note on Tariffs, Nontariff Barriers, and Labor Protection in United States Manufacturing IndustriesJohn H. ChehJohn H. Cheh Search for more articles by this author PDFPDF PLUS Add to favoritesDownload CitationTrack CitationsPermissionsReprints Share onFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail SectionsMoreDetailsFiguresReferencesCited by Journal of Political Economy Volume 84, Number 2Apr., 1976 Article DOI Views: 4Total views on this site Citations: 15Citations are reported from Crossref Copyright 1976 The University of ChicagoPDF download Crossref reports the following articles citing this article:HYEJOON IM NOT ALL GOODS ARE CREATED EQUAL: TARIFF CONCESSIONS IN THE KOREA–CHINA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT, The Singapore Economic Review 66, no.0505 (Nov 2017): 1205–1219. Raju, Bibek Ray Chaudhuri, Mridula S. Mishra Trade Liberalization and Employment Effects in Indian Manufacturing: An Empirical Assessment, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2016). Choi Determinants of Staging Categories for Tariff Elimination in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Negotiations of Free Trade Agreements, Asian Economic Papers 10, no.22 (Jun 2011): 1–17. Choi Determinants of Staging Categories for the Tariff Elimination in the FTA Negotiations, SSRN Electronic Journal (Jan 2009). L. Hansen The International Trade Commission and the Politics of Protectionism, American Political Science Review 84, no.11 (Aug 2014): 21–46. References, (Jan 1983): 189–203. Hitiris Protection, concentration and labour intensity: Reply, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 117, no.22 (Jun 1981): 383–384. C. Hartigan The U.S. tariff and comparative advantage: A survey of method, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 117, no.11 (Mar 1981): 65–109.é Blais, Philippe Faucher La politique industrielle dans les économies capitalistes avancées, Canadian Journal of Political Science 14, no.11 (Nov 2009): 3–35. Edward John Ray The Determinants of Tariff and Nontariff Trade Restrictions in the United States, Journal of Political Economy 89, no.11 (Oct 2015): 105–121. Don P. Clark The Protection of Unskilled Labor in the United States Manufacturing Industries: Further Evidence, Journal of Political Economy 88, no.66 (Oct 2015): 1249–1254. Selected Bibliography, (Jan 1979): 99–141. Ahmad Diversion et création d’échanges commerciaux dans le cadre du système canadien de préférences tarifaires, L'Actualité économique 55, no.11 (Jun 2009): 68–81. Joe A. Stone A Comment on Tariffs, Nontariff Barriers, and Labor Protection in United States Manufacturing Industries, Journal of Political Economy 86, no.55 (Oct 2015): 959–962. Riedel Tariff concessions in the Kennedy Round and the structure of protection in West Germany, Journal of International Economics 7, no.22 (May 1977): 133–143.
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