An efficient approach for extracting 3D local averages in spherical subdomains is proposed and applied to study the intermittency of small-scale velocity and scalar fields in direct numerical simulations of isotropic turbulence. We focus on the inertial-range scaling exponents of locally averaged energy dissipation rate, enstrophy and scalar dissipation rate corresponding to the mixing of a passive scalar $\theta$ in the presence of a uniform mean gradient. The Taylor-scale Reynolds number $R_\lambda$ goes up to $1300$, and the Schmidt number $Sc$ up to $512$ (albeit at smaller $R_\lambda$). The intermittency exponent of the energy dissipation rate is $\mu \approx 0.23$, whereas that of enstrophy is slightly larger; trends with $R_\lambda$ suggest that this will be the case even at extremely large $R_\lambda$. The intermittency exponent of the scalar dissipation rate is $\mu_\theta \approx 0.35$ for $Sc=1$. These findings are in essential agreement with previously reported results in the literature. We further show that $\mu_\theta$ decreases monotonically with increasing $Sc$, either as $1/\log Sc$ or a weak power law, suggesting that $\mu_\theta \to 0$ as $Sc \to \infty$, reaffirming recent results on the breakdown of scalar dissipation anomaly in this limit.
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