Claudine Michel delivered the following address to a group of faculty, staff, and teaching assistants at the University of California, Santa Barbara, on May 28, 2014, five days after six students were killed by a gunman. These remarks were also published in the Santa Barbara Independent on June 8, 2014, under the title Lessons in Grieving. Gone with the wind. These were a mother's words during the memorial at Harder Stadium.I speak today with a heavy heart. As our Academic Senate Chair Kum-Kum Bhavnani said yesterday at the beautiful memorial, these were OUR children. Young lives cut short. Lives shattered, dreams deferred, families broken, communities in mourning, promises unfulfilled. As educators, their dreams are our dreams. Their accomplishments are our rewards. Tragedies like these leave us questioning, searching, grieving. We mourn our students. We mourn our children. Twice in my career, I was called to speak at students' funerals. That is not the normal order of things. These deaths hurt.I speak to you today primarily as someone who has spent 30 years in the classroom but also as a student affairs officer who more than ever understands the complex realities that our young students face in a world that is not always kind, in a world that is not always just or inclusive. In a world that divides, in a world that has lost some of its humanity. In a world where some of our young people carry guns and seek to destroy.As educators, it is our duty to probe not only these societal ills but also the very conditions that create those situations that would not be too hard to fix if we work hard enough to make our planet more humane, more just. Misogyny, hatred in various forms, injustice, fractured families, greed, racism, racial profiling, unfair laws, the rise of the prison-industrial complex, land and border disputes, homophobia, religious intolerance, moral decadence, and dispirited societies are the enemies, not our youth. These societal ills create the kind of young people who do not respect lives. This is what we ought to combat, as this will save the next generations.Let us reenter our classrooms with a renewed sense of purpose and resolve, let us create a new world that will honor Katie Cooper, Veronika Weiss, Weihan David Wang, Christopher Michaels-Martinez, George Chen, and James Cheng-Yuan Hong, their blood, and the sacrifice of their young lives.I feel very strongly about the tragic events of the past week. Young deaths were frequent occurrences when I was growing up. I come from Haiti, a country that has suffered injustice, violence, imperialism-all in excess. A country where 300,000 lives were lost when the country suffered a 7.0 quake on the Richter scale-many babies and numerous youth died in a country where over 50 percent of the population is under twenty. A quake of the same magnitude in Chile, a month later, killed fewer than one hundred. Natural disasters happen; subhuman living conditions kill. As a youth in Haiti, often, three to four times a year perhaps, a student would not return to class after a weekend, taken by a fever or some other benign condition for which a few dollars to purchase medicine would have been the remedy. …