Available information on the fate and insulinotropic action of l-alanine in isolated pancreatic islets is restricted to data collected in obese hyperglycemic mice. Recent data, however, collected mostly in tumoral islet cells of either the RINm5F line or BRIN-BD11 line, have drawn attention to the possible role of Na + co-transport in the insulinotropic action of l-alanine. In the present study conducted in islets prepared from normal adult rats, l-alanine was found (i) to inhibit pyruvate kinase in islet homogenates, (ii) not to affect the oxidation of endogenous fatty acids in islets prelabelled with [U- 14C]palmitate, (iii) to stimulate 45Ca uptake in islets deprived of any other exogenous nutrient, and (iv) to augment insulin release evoked by either 2-ketoisocaproate or l-leucine, whilst failing to significantly affect glucose-induced insulin secretion. The oxidation of l-[U- 14C]alanine was unaffected by d-glucose, but inhibited by l-leucine. Inversely, l-alanine decreased the oxidation of d-[U- 14C]glucose, but failed to affect l-[U- 14C]leucine oxidation. It is concluded that the occurrence of a positive insulinotropic action of l-alanine is restricted to selected experimental conditions, the secretory data being compatible with the view that stimulation of insulin secretion by the tested nutrient(s) reflects, as a rule, their capacity to augment ATP generation in the islet B cells. However, the possible role of Na + co-transport in the secretory response to l-alanine cannot be ignored.
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