Abstract An algebraic model with three-body boson interactions is proposed to incorporate the different quadrupole modes in nuclear collectivity. It is shown that the recently observed anomalous collective structure characterized by $B_{4/2}=B(E2;4_1\rightarrow2_1)/B(E2;2_1\rightarrow0_1)<1.0$ and $R_{4/2}= E(4_1)/E(2_1)\geq2.0$, which cannot yet be explained by any other microscopic nuclear models, naturally emerge in the present model due to the inclusion of triaxial rotor modes.&#xD;This description is further extended to describe the odd-$A$ nuclei by including the coupling to the Fermion degree of freedom. That allows us to give a unified explanation of the anomalous $B(E2)$ strengths in both even-even and even-odd systems which seemed to indicate different behaviors. As examples, the model is applied to describe the spectroscopy and $E2$ transition properties of $^{168,169,170,171}$Os. All recent measurements of those isotopes can be well reproduced on the same footing which suggests that the anomalous collectivity persists even in the odd-$A$ systems.
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