The article presents an analytical review of Russian publications reporting the results of studies that search for optimal ways to affect apple plants in order to obtain branched annual plants. Since it has been proved that nursery plants of a certain age and quality are preferable for each type of intensive planting, as their use promotes the early maturity of trees thus ensuring a quick economic return on capital investments, it is currently relevant to study the production of apple tree planting material with specified biometric parameters. The use of mechanical impact on the above-ground part of grafted plants to suppress apical dominance is considered; the effectiveness of stimulating premature shoots in the crown area is confirmed. Much attention is paid by researchers to the chemical treatments of plants in the fields of fruit tree nurseries to improve the quality of annual plants. The use of cytokinin preparations and gibberellic acids is shown to be highly effective. The maximum effect on obtaining branched annual plants in most works was achieved in pomological apple varieties that are prone to the formation of premature shoots, with the budding on vegetatively propagated rootstocks of a first-grade commercial variety at a height of over 15 cm above the soil surface. One of the alternative ways of obtaining branched annual plants is wood grafting in spring and cultivation both in the field and in protected ground with a root-ball system. According to most researchers, the greatest effectiveness of the combined use of various techniques can be achieved only with strict adherence to conventional technologies for each method of cultivation.